Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Characteristics of Samples of Process Essay Writing

Characteristics of Samples of Process Essay Writing Critical thinking is what you've got to possess to handle the undertaking. Writing is a hard chore for lots of people. Writing an essay is a critical role in academe life. It is an essential part of college life. Essay writing is often practiced is schools. It is a tough business when you are at college. The reader will be happy to find the origin of the evidence offered by you. Make certain you make an exhaustive interpretation of each process in the most fascinating way so to capture the interest of your reader. Provide the reader with some information regarding the length and intricacy of the process you're going to discuss. It's also important to list all the materials that the reader ought to have to be able to adhere to the steps. Life, Death, and Samples of Process Essay Writing The objective of the essay is to explain the process itself, so you're going to break it down into various steps. The outline will pr ovide you with the guidance you require, making the writing process simpler. After you choose the procedure you need to concentrate on, you then need to earn a list of steps necessary to attain the aims of the activity. Knowing the actions to the process make the work much simpler. Many poorly crafted essays are produced on account of a scarcity of preparation and confidence. It's important to remain concise along with efficient. Even the most well-known examples need context. You will need to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. An excellent college essay isn't just persuasive, it's a piece which highlights the correct attitude to the college, the personal aspirations and the vision the student has once they get in the school. College application essay, is a significant aspect as it assists the panel, pick the best students that show the proper kind of motivation, for placement into a few of their programs. A co llege application essay is a considerable means of letting the panel learn more concerning the student. You might also attempt sharing your essay with different people and receiving their thoughts. You've already done a good deal of reading and a great deal of writing in your life. If you are aware that something can fail, you have to warn your readers until they choose to repeat the procedure. Don't simply list off all the situations you've done and how great you're, but take the opportunity to enter the emotional journey supporting the approach. Since you may see, writing a process essay is not quite as hard as you thought. You may believe that you're not expert enough to compose a process essay. Now you are aware of how to compose the ideal process essay. Writing a process essay is quite easy, but only once you know the step-by-step approach which allows for crafting a brilliant paper. What to Expect From Samples of Process Essay Writing? Our writing mavens can assist you. Accordingly, in an essay, you need to make sure that you're summarizing everything, not repeating it. The essay can provide a great opportunity to speak about a few of your accomplishments, but always be certain to do so in a means that isn't braggadocious. Your essay ought to be something central to who you are as an individual. The Importance of Samples of Process Essay Writing Your writing will be a lot easier in the event that you comply with the outline you created before. In most instances, a process essay will need you to proceed through the task yourself. Remember, it consists of multiple elements and the key to success is to connect all of them. A process essay example can be an actual salvation if you're puzzled and can't compose a line. Therefore, process analyses can be quite detailed and at times quite long. A completion of a single task does not absolutely have to be the close of the practice. You should also understand the procedure and highlight its i mportance. Otherwise, you were probably describing a process which is too easy. For those who haven't already mastered the process, it's going to be really hard to learn and compose all at one time. Clearly, every practice differs. Alternately, you can imagine unconventional processes. There are lots of processes that you proceed through every day that you're able to write about. What Samples of Process Essay Writing Is - and What it Is Not For example, if your process essay is all about making the ideal shepherd's pie, consider drafting a paragraph on how best to make the filling below and another paragraph on the best way to create good mashed potatoes in addition to the lamb filling below. One of the absolute most crucial maintenance duties for cars is altering the oil regularly. To begin with, find out more about the process you're likely to be explaining. The initial 3 stages of manufacture are the very same for all the five teas. The reader ought to be in a position to stick to the directions your essay and successfully do what it is that you are explaining. Before learning how to compose a process essay of A level, it is crucial to define the expression. There are several sorts of expository essays, and each one among them has its particular purpose and tone. There's no ideal solution on how best to compose an effective essay. The War Against Samples of Process Essay Writing The simplest approach to learn the sort of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. The instructions about how to write process essays should also end up being handy for readers. The essay topics are categorized in various groups only for the ease of readers. If at all possible, be certain that you include things like a photo of the said object you're planning to use if you want to publish the said essay online.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis - 1288 Words

In Lord of the Flies there is a lot of leadership,order, and civilization. William Golding was born on September 19, 1911 and died June 19, 1993. Lord of the Flies was a novel that was published on September 17, 1954. This novel is about a group of boys stranded on an island. The boys worked together to find things so they can get help. The boys all were scared at first but Ralph being the leader got all the boys to calm down and relax so he could find ideas to help me get off the island. It will be best to take what you seen in this novel and use it in real life because things in life are like this. The novel shows how the boys worked together so they can survive. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses detail to suggest characters.†¦show more content†¦This is significant because all the boys listen and look up to Ralph. This shows that Ralph only has to blow the conch shell to get the boys in order. â€Å"Two of the boys, Ralph and Piggy, discover a conch shell on the beach, and Piggy realizes it could be used as a horn to summon the other boys†(Sparknotes). This is significant because they worked together and look around for things to help make noises and they found the conch shell. This shows Ralph and Piggy’s leadership and order. This is a good way of showing leadership, order, and how good of friends they are together. The author utilizes Piggy as the scientific and intellectual aspect of civilization. For instance â€Å"I no longer identify with Ralph and his helpless attempts at order and civility†(Golding). Piggy felt like Ralph did not like him anymore and was giving up but he just got weak and could not lead the group of boys. This means Piggy is not getting along with Ralph anymore. This implies that Ralph was being helpless and Piggy does not like it so he is not getting along with Ralph anymore. â€Å"I felt as vulnerable as Piggy and disliked Jack because he revealed too much about my own self†(Golding). This shows that Piggy and one of the boys does not like Jack because he knows too much about them. This is significant because Jack should not know that much about Piggy and the other boy and that makes Jack very suspicious to them. â€Å"Ralph’s weeping for the end ofShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1584 Words   |  7 Pages Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a story about a troop of boys who are on a plane out of war-torn England. However, their plane crashes and strands them on an island without any adults. The boys, who are anywhere from age six to age twelve, must learn to survive not only the elements, but each other as well. By the end of the story, at least three of the boys have died, two of which were killed knowingly by other boys on the island. When the boys first arrive, they appoint Ralph as chiefRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis807 Words   |  4 Pagesstranded the more they think they will never find civilization, making them turn inhuman and careless. As their behavior gets worse they end up killing their only source of survival but eventually get rescued. In the novel ,†Lord Of The Flies†, written by William Golding, the character Piggy represents human intelligence, Ralph illustrates leadership, while Jack symbolizes social chaos. Being the civilized one in the group, Piggy tries to calm everyone down, but also being the most vulnerable one becauseRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis940 Words   |  4 PagesAll people have evil inside them, sometimes deep enough for it to not come out. William Golding’s novel Lord of The Flies theme is that all people have evil inside them, and only rules and order can keep them from acting upon it. Ralph’s character disputes this theory because of his knowledge and wisdom, him seeking civilization and his leadership skills. Ralph seeking for civilization helps prove that he is not leaning towards the evil inside him. For example, the signal fire which is used toRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis947 Words   |  4 PagesAustin Curtis Ms. Tantlinger Honors English 10 2 January 2018 Title In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, a group of children are deserted on an uncharted island due to the conflict of a world war. As the boys live on the island, they begin to have conflicts among themselves, and Jack, an older boy on the island, begins to become power-hungry. Jack falls far from the rules of society as he is overcome by the power of the mask, Jack also conceals his humanity by using his war mask; GoldingRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1161 Words   |  5 Pages The novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, written by William Golding, follows a group of british schoolboys on their fight for survival. After their plane crashed on an island, the boys must work quickly and alert someone of their whereabouts. The main character, Ralph, opens the story as â€Å"a fair boy† meaning the favourite or the most promising of a group. Leading the boys was a job Ralph took on proudly and all was sain in the world. The boys aren’t on the is land long before the idea of order starts to fadeRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1322 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding, a group of schoolboys are marooned on a tropical island after their plane crash-lands on it. At first, the boys see it as a fun adventure but it doesn t take long for them to descend from boys to savages. The novel ends with the boys being rescued, but not before the death of several of them. In the novel, the character of Jack personifies the the evil that lies within man. This is shown through Jack’s tendency towards violence, him becoming aRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1009 Words   |  5 PagesFor centuries people have accepted living side by side with good and evil, as they will for years to come. This philosophy is demonstrated in the allegorical novel, Lord of the Flies written by William Golding. Set in an unknown time period, during an atomic war, in which, the attemp t to take a group of schoolboys to safety fails and they crash into a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean instead. As the boys realize there is no adult survivors, they celebrate their newfound freedom and try to establishRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis778 Words   |  4 PagesTo what extent do people feel dependent on those who provide good to society? William Golding, the author of Lord of the Flies, brings out the realities of society. Through multiple characters and relationships, the boys on the island learn of these harsh truths. The death of Simon leads to the deterioration of the boys on the island, proving that once good is removed a society will collapse. Ralph expresses prominent changes at the loss of Simon. Chief of the island, Ralph must keep law and orderRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis1368 Words   |  6 PagesPicture life today without a structured government: no morals, no laws, and no persecution. People would be able to act however they wanted, without thinking about the consequences. In his novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses characters and symbols to provide a complex perspective on the lack of society and its effect on people’s behavior. Golding himself served in the military for five years, and he fuels the plot with his own experiences with corruption. In the text, a pack of BritishRead MoreLord Of The Flies Character Analysis932 Words   |  4 Pagesdesires, power and committed some immoral acts in their life but at what point do these assets effect the amount of corruption present in a person. Lord of The Flies is a 1954 novel written by Nobel Prize winner William Golding. With the stand out themes of savagery and corruption it can be clearly seen why this book has such a large audience. Lord of The Flies is an allegory based around the events of war and destruction going on in the world at this time. The Following is a 2013-2015 crime drama Tv show

Monday, December 9, 2019

Price Discrimination Strategy Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Describe a real-world example of this Price Discrimination Strategy, and re-late it to your three explanations. Answer: Price discrimination can be divided into three types. These are: First degree price discrimination It is also referred to as perfect discrimination and it is a rarely practised type of price discrimination. It involves the firm charging the highest possible price that consumers are willing to pay for each unit consumed. First degree price discrimination captures the entire available consumer surplus for itself because it sells commodities at the maximum possible prices that vary among the units. Second degree price discrimination The firm charges different prices according to the quantities consumed. A good example is discount on large quantities on bulk purchases. Third degree price discrimination The firm charges different prices for the same good or service, to different markets or consumer groups. Third degree price discrimination is the most commonly used type of price discrimination. It is directly connected to the ability and willingness of the consumer to purchase a good or a service. This implies that the price that the consumer pays does not reflect the cost of production. Third degree price discrimination is a pricing strategy used in maximising profits. It involves a firm selling similar or closely identical goods or services to different markets, at different prices. The market is divided into sub-markets. Price discrimination works best when the profits from isolating the different markets is more than that gained when the market remains combined. The most important aspect that price discrimination depends on is the relative elasticity of the demand of the customers within the market. The firm charges a high price to the consumers in the relatively inelastic submarket, and charges a lower price to the consumers in the relatively elastic sub-market(Salvatore, 2011). For third degree price discrimination to work efficiently, the firm first needs to identify different segments or sub-markets within the entire market. For example, the firm can identify different user such as domestic or industrial users of its products. The sub-markets have to have different price elasticities(Norman, 2013). In addition, the sub-markets must be kept separate by physical distance, time and the purpose for which the use is intended. The sub-markets should not overlap. Overlapping in markets is where the sub-markets converge such that consumers can buy commodities in the elastic sub-market where the price is low and sell it to consumers in the inelastic sub-market where the price is high, and in this way act as intermediaries. In addition, the firm should possess some monopolistic powers so that it can dictate prices and make price discrimination more effective. The market in which the firm operates be an imperfect competition market. The firm is supposed to be a pric e maker and not a price taker. The demand curve of the firm should be downward sloping. Although third degree price discrimination sounds like a good thing to an economic entity, it has a number of challenges in its application that include: Price discrimination can lead to allocative inefficiencies in the market because prices in some markets will be higher and consumer will pay more. This means that the price will be higher than the marginal cost. Disadvantaged people like the elderly or unemployed could be the ones paying the highest prices.There is a reduction in consumer surplusOther costs may arise from price discrimination. For example, the firm may have to incur administrative costs when separating the market into segments.Price discrimination can lead to other economic vices where the profits gotten can be used to fund predatory pricing.A firm may have imperfect knowledge about the willingness and ability of its customers to purchase its commodities. The firm may end up losing on revenue if underestimates the purchasing power or overestimates what an individual is able to pay. An example of third degree price discrimination is customer profiling and price discrimination by airlines. Airlines tend to practice price discrimination in terms of the time that the ticket is bought. The rule is that, if you buy a ticket early enough in advance, the ticket tends to be cheaper. When the demand for a given flight is high, the airline will increase the price of the tickets for that particular flight. This implies that individuals who do not mind paying more for the same flight will purchase the remainder of the tickets. This strategy is in line with the efficiency of price discrimination where the relatively inelastic market will be willing to pay more for the same commodity. Similarly, the airline will reduce prices for a flight that is not selling well. The reduced prices will attract more people who have elastic demand and this will ensure that all the tickets are bought. It will not make sense to sell the tickets cheaply and sell them out very early in advance, t herefore, the catch is to maximise revenue by passengers paying the most that they can afford. Airline carriers have adopted a new system for booking tickets referred to as New Distribution Capability (NDC)(Melskens, 2016). This system used in profiling passengers, collects large quantities of information on the profiles of individuals and uses the information to make comparisons in prices of different sites. By doing this, the airline seeks to offer more options for prices to its passengers. The passengers looking for airfares have the option to give information on their personal details like age, nationality, shopping and travel history, services they have purchased recently and the intention of travelling. Using this information the airline will be able to offer different pricing options to the individuals. Prices may range with services such as wider seats and in-flight entertainment. Profiling of passengers enlarges the scope of airlines views of price discrimination. Airlines can now be able to offer a variety of fares to different groups of individuals for what is basically the same commodity or journey. Under NDC, passengers will have to spend different amounts of money depending on their tastes and preferences. References FISHER, T., WASCHIK, R. (2014).Managerial Economics: a Game Theoretic Approach. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. KAFTAL, V., PAL, D. (2005).Does third degree price discrimination reduce social welfare?Cincinnati, Ohio, Univ. of Cincinnati, Dep. of Economics. KWON, Y. (2006). CONTENT ARTICLES IN ECONOMICS - Third-Degree Price Discrimination Revisited - The author derives the probability that price discrimination improves social welfare, using a model of third-degree price discrimination assuming two independent linear demands.The Journal of Economic Education.37, 83. LIU Q., SERFES K. (2010). Third-degree price discrimination.Journal of Industrial Organization Education.5. MCGUIGAN, J. R., MOYER, R. C., HARRIS, F. H. D. (2013).Managerial economics. MELSKENS, J. M. (2016).Quality price discrimination in the European airline industry: case study of Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS). Odense, Syddansk Universitet. NORMAN, G. (2013).The Economics of price discrimination. Cheltenham [etc.], Edward Elgar. SALVATORE, D. (2011).Schaum's outline of microeconomics. New York, Schaum. SALVATORE, D., SALVATORE, D. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

The dissolution of the manasteries Essay Example For Students

The dissolution of the manasteries Essay The Dissolution of the Monasteries and the events which followed, were all brought about as a direct result of the break with Rome. The reason for the break, lies simply in Henrys frustration at his inability to secure a divorce form his wife Catherine of Aragon, and a blessing from the Pope for his new marriage to Anne Boleyn, although arguably, there was a need for reformation within the church. Prior to the break with Rome, the church was rife with pluralism, simony (one of the popes main failings) and breaches of the vows of celibacy. It is therefore clear that there were problems with the English church prior to the break, but although it was unpopular, many people including Henry remained Catholic:A firm Catholic, he was keen to have papal approval, and the more unlikely this became, the more he was forced to question the Popes jurisdiction in England 2To accomplish a break, Henry needed some kind of justification, and he would also have to ensure that in implementing the break itself, he was not seen as supporting heresy and the Protestant reformation in particular. With the aid of advisor Thomas Cromwell, Henry aims to enact the break with Rome using statute authority; that of the king, lords and commons acting through parliament. We will write a custom essay on The dissolution of the manasteries specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A sequence of truly revolutionary acts of parliament now cut the bonds spiritual, legal, financial which linked the English church and state to Rome 3There were several main landmarks in the break with Rome, the first of which was the act in restraint of appeals. This was a justification and definition of royal supremacy, and was grafted by Thomas Cromwell. It was the act of supremacy in 1534 however, that would prove to be Henrys greatest step forward in the break. It confirmed Henrys headship of the church and explicitly reserved the crown the rights to the organizing and jurisdictional powers formerly held by the Papacy. By this, the crown would control the right o define the churchs teachings and doctrinal decisions, ultimately resulting in the downfall of the monasteries. As a result of Henrys pressure on the English clergy in his attempts to convince the Pope to grant a divorce, the dissolution of the monasteries became an important and necessary task. By removing the Popes most loyal supporters from England, Henry was severely limiting his power. In 1533, in stead of Anne Boleyns impending pregnancy, Thomas Cranmer, an archbishop, declared Henrys marriage to Catherine invalid, (the king must stop living in this sin with this woman who is not his wife 4) and married him to Anne Boleyn. The Act of Supremacy then, established Henry as head of the Church of England, and marked the end of the Popes influence in his realm. Threatened by the Pope with excommunication, if he did not take Catherine back, all hopes of reconciliation with Rome were passed. Henrys reformation was moving quickly.When henry VIII first initiated the dissolution of the Monasteries, he was facing criticism from various sides. It must be understood that in deciding the validity of Henrys claims for the dissolution, there are two sides to the argument. Protestant supporters of Henrys actions, argue that after the 1530s, all the monasteries were corrupt and a place where sinners lived in a luxury paid for by others. The reasons for monastic life they claimed, were based on a lie created by the Papacy, to strengthen its own position: In order to lessen the time a person spends in purgatory when they die, money must be donated to the church in order to save their soul. .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 , .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .postImageUrl , .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 , .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:hover , .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:visited , .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:active { border:0!important; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:active , .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844 .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub1f412cb26dacc99a9c728b049d3d844:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hate crimes EssayAs a result of these false and morally corrupt claims on behalf of the Papacy, Protestants argued that the monasteries deserved to be dissolved, as the money they survived upon was gained under false pretences. Another factor that supports Henrys argument for the dissolution, were the results found from the valor ecclesiasticus. Within this, it was discovered that on average, one quarter of a monastic houses wealth went to the head of the house, usually an absentee leader, living their life as a country gentleman, free form responsibility. Revelations such as this obviously angered the public, but whether or not Henry was angered in the